Page 31 - Previsão 4º ano - 2º Tri
P. 31

Língua Inglesa

                            I - Conteúdos Conceituais

       ●    Unit 3: Weather

           Vocabulary: rainy, windy, hot, sunny, snowy, cold, cloudy.

               Grammar:  What’s  the  weather  like?  It’s  …What  are  you  doing?  I’m  /
            We’re … ing

       ●    Unit 4

            Vocabulary: fly a kite, play hide-and-seek, have a snack, take a nap, use

            the internet, practise the piano, do homework, wash the dishes, dry the
            dishes, set the table, clear the table, sweep the floor, feed the fish, look
            after the baby

            Grammar: What´s he/ she doing? He´s/she´s…ing. What are they doing?
            They´re…ing. Is he/she…ing? Are they …ing?

       ●    Unit 5

            Vocabulary:  supermarket,  bus  station,  movie  theater,  department  store,
            library,  candy  store,  café  parade,  concert,  soccer,  game,  picnic,  market,
            circuit, dance

            Grammar: Where´s he/she going? Where are they going? He´s/she´s/
            They´re going to the…Is he/she going to the…? Are they going to the…?

       ●    Unit 6

            Vocabulary:  constructions  worker,  librarian,  paramedic,  architect,
            fisherman, dancer, writer, musician, office, hospital, school, factory, farm,
            restaurante, boat

            Grammar: What do you want to be? I want…I don´t want…Where does
            he/she work? He/she works in/on a… He/she doesn´t work in/on a…
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