Page 27 - Previsão 2º ano - 1º Tri
P. 27

I - Conteúdos Conceituais

             ●     Revisar vocabulários anteriores com jogos e brincadeiras
                   (cores, lugares e objetos escolares, números )

             ●     Unit 1 - At school
                   Vocabulary: clock, window , board , desk, picture, chair,
                   notebook, backpack, book, pencil , crayon, pen, pencil,

                   sharpener, pencil case, ruler , eraser.
                   Grammar: What´s this?... A/an… Yes, it´s…No,it isn´t

             ●     Unit 2 - Family and friends
                   Vocabulary: : grandma, grandpa, sister, brother, dad,
                   mom, baby and friend. Toys: truck, bike, ball, robot, car,

                   doll, bike
                   Grammar: Who´s this?...This is my… How many?...What

                   color are they?...They´re…
             ●     Unit 3 - Jobs - lesson 1 to 4

                   Vocabulary:  Farmer, teacher, vet, artist, doctor, cook,
                   firefighter, pilot, bus driver, dentist, astronaut, singer,
                   police officer, mail carrier.

                   Grammar: He´s…she´s…he/she isn´t…is he a…?
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