Page 18 - Previsão 3º ano - 2º Tri
P. 18


                      I - Conteúdos Conceituais

            ●     Unit 3:

           Vocabulary:  elephant,  zebre,  giraffe,  monkey,  hippo,
           crocodile, tiger; beach, bookstore, playground, mall, school,

           Grammar:  Is  there  a  monkey?...  Yes,  there  is./  No,  there

           isn´t… Are these hippos?... Yes, there are./No there isn´t.

            ●     Unit 4
           Vocabulary:  pineapples,  pears,  apples,  kiwis,  watermelons,

           oranges  coconuts,  bananas,  burger,  corn,  egg,  French  fries,
           pancakes, pie, sandwich, soup.

           Grammar:  Does  Dan  like  bananas?  Yes,  he  does.  No,  he

           doesn´t.  What  do  you  want  for  breakfast?  I  want  eggs  and
           pancakes, please.

            ●     Unit 5
           Vocabulary:  fly,  write,  draw,  jump,  walk,  swim,  read,  run,

           throw  a  ball,  catch  a  ball,  ride  a  bike,  drive  a  car,  use  a

           computer, play the guitar, jump rope, climb a tree.
           Grammar: you can draw and write. I can draw, but I can´t fly.

           Can you/he/she climp a tree? Yes, I can. No, he can´t.
            ●     Unit 6:

           Vocabulary:  get  up,  eat  breakfast,  go  to  school/home/bed,
           eat  lunch,  brush  my  teeth,  eght  o´clovk,  half  past  nine,  a

           quarter after one, a quarter to two, nine thirty, one fifteen,

           one fifteen, one forty-five
           Gramar:  What  do  you  do  in  the  morning?  I  eat  breakfast.

           When does he/she go to bed? He/she goes to bed at 8:30.
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