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P. 19

I - Conteúdos Conceituais

                 ●          Unit 1: Good Morning

                 Vocabulary: wake up, brush my hair, take a shower, get

                     dressed, wash my face, have breakfast, make
                     breakfast, go to school, take a taxi, take the bus, take

                     the train, take the subway, walk, ride a bicycle;

                 Gramma: always, usually, sometimes, never…How

                     often do you …?

                 ●          Unit 2: At school

                 Vocabulary:: social studies, art, English, music, math,
                     Portuguese, health, science; gym, cafeteria, music

                     room, classroom, art room, computer lab;

                 Grammar: Do you have …? Does he / she have …?
                     Where’s …? What’s he / she doing? He’s / She’s …


                 ●          Unit 3: Shareville

                 Vocabulary: wave, wait, point, shout, watch, play, smile,
                     juggle, bounce, laugh, cry, follow, push, pull, carry;

                 Grammar: Past tense statements with regular

                     verbs…Did you / he / she / they …? …Yes, they

                     did…No, they didn’t.
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